Health concerns that may fall into the soft tissue category include things affecting the skin, arteries, kidneys, hormones, eyes, liver, thyroid, heart, lung, and brain. For this category, Dr. Wallach recommends the Healthy Brain and Heart Pack. To the 90 essential nutrients, the Healthy Brain and Heart Pack adds these “secret sauces”.
Healthy Body Brain and Heart Pak™ 2.0
This pack is formulated to support and promote healthy brain and cardiovascular function. Each pack provides broad spectrum foundation nutrition and includes BTT 2.0 Citrus Peach Fusion -480g canister (1), EFA PLUS -90 gels (1), Beyond Osteo-fx powder-357g Canister (1), "secret sauces" in this pack is Ultimate EFA (1) and Ultimate Selenium (1).
Secret Sauces
Ultimate EFA - This package has two forms of essential fatty acids – the EFA Plus and the Ultimate EFA. EFA Plus has more of the longer chain EFAs that are used more in the heart and brain. Ultimate EFA has more of the shorter chain omega 3s that are used in the lungs and skin. The Ultimate EFAs can be thought of as the “moisturizers” for the body. Dr. Wallach recommends both formulas be used to more effectively cover the body’s essential fatty acid requirements.
Ultimate Selenium acts as a “master mineral” that opens many doorways in the body to allow for optimal function and repair. Selenium is used to boost and recycle glutathione. Glutathione is the soft tissue repair mechanism for the body. Ultimate Selenium also contains the co-factors to ensure the selenium is properly absorbed and includes extra plant derived copper. Selenium plays a critical role in immune support.
Two most common add-ons FOR SOFT TISSUE
Imortalium has nutrients shown to increase the glutathione activity (the body's repair mechanism particularly for soft tissue) by over 300%. This is an anti-aging support product that supports healthy telomeres. Telomeres are the “end” of the DNA strands. The healthier and longer the end of the telomeres are, the longer the life of the DNA. It also has an ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorption Capacity) score of 10,500 per serving. Imortalium contains superoxide dismutase (SOD), and fucoidan. These two ingredients alone provide powerful inflammation support, and support and promote the body’s ability to encourage stem cell growth. Imortalium comes in a bi-layer tablet with a slow release and rapid release layer to ensure the nutrients get absorbed when and where they are supposed to go. The typical dose is 4 per day and 6 for more support or severe conditions.