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Rebel Immunity
$49.99 + Fast Free Shipping We designed REBEL IMMUNITY to take advantage of the latest information in order to arm the immune system against various threats, and to combine eight beneficial supplements into one combo pack.
Greska's Carbon-60
$82.49 + Fast Free Shipping Carbon 60 is a unique molecule with 60 Carbon atoms and the shape of Buckminster Fuller’s Geodesic Dome doubled to make a ball—known colloquially as a Bucky Ball. This molecule was hypothesized for years, but finally created by a group of chemists in the late 1980s for which the Nobel Prize was awarded in 1996. Subsequently, studies in rats demonstrated considerable increased lifespan with C60. It is a tremendous anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory, acting as a scavenger of free radicals.
Merritt Iodine
$22.88 + Fast Free Shipping The Japanese eat seaweed and get about 12.5 mg/ day from this diet. Iodine not only improves your thyroid, it is an anti-cancer supplement.. The Japanese have the lowest rate of breast cancer in the world. Our supplement is the Japanese dose of 12.5 mg.